Colin Rich is no stranger to these pages. Earlier this year I shared his time lapse video “Nightfall”. I still feel that “Nightfall” is one of the best combinations of audio and time lapse video that I’ve ever seen. While “City Lights” has wonderful imagery and music, as a couple, they aren’t as powerful as those in “Nightfall”. That doesn’t make “City Lights” a bad video, just different. “City Lights” feels more relaxed and mellow than “Nightfall”. There are some very interesting and lengthy, as in physical distance, shots that Colin does a great job pulling off. I’m particularly fond of the beach approaching Santa Monica Pier sequence and when Colin circles the beach crowd at night. Sadly, it seems that this may be the last we see of Colin as he writes:
‘City Lights’ is the final chapter from my “Trilogy of Light” series that began a couple years ago with ‘LA Light’ and then followed up with ‘Nightfall’. It was an nightly adventure that took me to almost every angle of Los Angeles. It was an exercise in patience.
Colin goes on to write how he is looking forward to working on narrative and documentary films. I want to wish Colin luck in his future endeavors, but if his current work is any indication he won’t need it.