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41°37’5″ N 124°6’34” W

41°37'5" N 124°6'34" WSomeone once told me that while hiking in the woods occasionally look backwards so if you have to return from the direction you came it isn’t totally unfamiliar.  I’d say this same philosophy also holds true to photography.  If you’re out and about enjoying nature make sure to take the time to really immerse yourself in the environment.  If you stop to take a picture, take the time to turn around, look the other direction and see if another shot is awaiting you.

That is the case with this shot.  This came from the same pull out that I stopped at for the photo I published on Friday.  The only difference is I turned around and walked 100 feet or so north along the highway to get to the northern end of the pull out.  Amazing when you look at the two images how different they are (map).

Published in Byways Infrared Landscapes Roads


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